Frequently asked questions about nonprofit work

Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about nonprofit work that people often ask of me.

What it’s like to work with you?

I want to make a working experience with you that is easy, simple and assuring. Specifically, it’s important to me that you know exactly what’s happening during the project at all times. I like to communicate the progress and milestones so that you don’t have to wonder or worry. If you’re interested, learn more about the approach I take to working on projects.

Can you explain what your experience is in the nonprofit sector?

I have been a part of the nonprofit sector for over a decade. Specifically, I worked directly with people on the frontlines as a media literacy educator, a computer literacy teacher, digital storyteller, a workshop facilitator and curriculum developer. Furthermore, I am formally trained in professional writing. However, I’ve been crafting stories for much longer. When you work directly with people, organize around causes and build community relationships like I have, you understand the stories that inspire people and compel them to act.

How much do your services cost?

On each of the pages under Services, you can find specific fees and fee ranges for each service I offer. However, since each project is different, these prices may change.

Do you charge by the hour?

Generally, I do not. For specific projects, I might if it makes sense. I like to think about this question in terms of value because that is what I offer. I offer value, thinking and experience that is unique to me but also challenging to quantify into an hourly rate.

What kind of clients do you work with?

I work with organizations in the nonprofit sector as well as and companies with social impact arms. This can include:

  • Community nonprofits
  • Foundations
  • Social finance companies
  • Companies with nonprofit verticals
  • Companies with social impact focuses
  • Charitable organizations