Writing is not always linear. Some people start at the beginning with the introduction. Others start with the conclusion and work backwards. However, no matter where you start, you should always set effective writing goals.


Because every sentence should count.

When you’re writing, whether it’s copy or fiction, you want to know what you’re doing and why. It helps you spend more time doing the writing than thinking about it. Furthermore, it allows you to prioritize alignment among all the moving parts of your writing.

But you don’t just arrive at this point. You take paths. To find the right one, you set goals.

Your goals may range from clarifying big ideas to writing a particular kind of story. You may want to persuade your target audience to answer your call to action. Whatever you decide should meet the SMART criteria. SMART goals represent a popular approach to setting goals, measuring them and analyzing the result of your work. The acronym stands for smart (S), measurable (M), achievable (A), realistic (R) and timely (T).

You may be wondering, “Okay. I understand the approach I need to take to set SMART goals. But exactly how to do you set effective writing goals? How do you choose them, refine them and identify them?

Well, you answer this question:

What am I trying to say?

This question removes the fluff from copywriting and gets to the heart of the copy. Additionally, it gives you permission to be as clear as possible about the message you want to send. Furthermore, it helps you prioritize concise writing. If there are any words or sentences that don’t align with your answer, you can just delete them (and not feel bad about it!).

When you get used to asking yourself this question, you’ll notice a change in how you edit your own work; you’ll feel more inclined to pay more attention and notice more about your own style. This will push you to take more responsibility for your improving your writing.

A bonus benefit? You may also notice that you may become a faster writer.

In today’s day and age, that’s an advantage you want to have!

Ready to set effective writing goals and align them with your communications strategy?

Contact me today and let’s get started.