Nonprofit communications strategy

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My goal is to help you develop your nonprofit communications strategy for your external communications, from start to finish. Stop letting smaller, weaker opportunities distract you and squeeze your budget and start building on your strengths to make strategic communications work for you,

This service is like a strategic brainstorming session: You’re looking to figure out how you want to present your organization to the world and why you want to do that (i.e., what justifies your decision).

The benefits of a communications strategy for a nonprofit are numerous. Here are some examples:

  • Establish your brand and brand promise
  • Better understand your target audiences
  • Justify any decisions about your external communications
  • Develop key messages
  • Define key differentiators
  • Engage strategically online and offline

I know that communications strategies seem like a daunting task on your never-ending to-do list. But the return on your investment in this is invaluable in setting your organization up for a foundation for strategic engagement online and offline that will help you reach your goals.

How do I know I need a communications strategy?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are your external communications strategically aligned with your mission and vision?
  • Do you have key messages for each target audience?
  • Is it clear what your organization’s brand personality is?
  • Have you done a communications audit in the last few months?
  • Are you taking a new strategic direction for your communications?
  • Do you have established communication goals and objectives?
  • Do you know why you are using certain communications best practices?

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, now is the the time to do an audit!

Read about how I work on your project and what approaches and processes I take

Why is a communication strategy important for nonprofits?

A communications strategy is an essential document for every nonprofit because it tells you what you want to do with your public-facing communications and why you want to do it. It serves as a guide for the decision-making you do with regard to creating content, including key messages and choosing the appropriate channels to share them. So, it’s so important because it keeps you organized and on track.

Here’s the thing: Many people, including nonprofit professionals, will tell you that you can delay creating your communications strategy. However, the delay is costly. Particularly, it is costly because external communications is a frequent task for pretty much every business. Every day, someone or some people in your organization are creating content, tweaking messages and/or using specific channels to reach your audience. So, if you are doing all of this without a strategy, then only communications is happening.

Communications without strategy is just posting. And posting is not a strategy.

So, if you’re ready to put the “strategy” in your communications strategy, let’s get started!

